Boeing Fired All Their Old White Males (Public Board)

by FSK, Sunday, April 07, 2024, 23:20 (22 days ago) @ Cornpop Sutton

Boeing fired all their experienced workers (old white males) and replaced them with H1bs, offshored their jobs, made DEI hires, or other inexperienced hires.

Boeing used to be really anal retentive about quality. Now, if someone makes a complaint about shoddy work, they're just slowing things down and harshing their buzz.

Once the institutional knowledge is gone it isn't coming back. Even if Boeing wanted to go back to making a high-quality product, they can't anymore.

It's the same way Disney can't make good movies anymore. All the people who knew how to make good movies were fired. The replacements don't have the experience or ability to make a good movie. Disney lost the institutional knowledge of how to make good movies.

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