It Sets A Bad Precedent (Public Board)

by JoFrance, Thursday, April 25, 2024, 19:53 (9 days ago) @ FSK
edited by JoFrance, Thursday, April 25, 2024, 20:12

There would be such an uproar in the country if they actually ban TikTok in the US and do what Cornpop suggested. The best outcome would be for an different company to buy it. I read not too long ago that Rumble was interested. There are others too.

TikTok is really a treasure trove for the CCP to infiltrate and datamine as long as Bytedance owns it. That can't be allowed to go on so something has to change. Maybe it sets a precedent, which is really bad, so the only good solution is for someone to buy it.

I've never used TikTok, but I've seen plenty of videos from it. Its not something I'm interested in but the people on it just want to be seen and heard. They don't care about anything else. I'd never post anything on there myself knowing they have any connection with the CCP.

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