
News quiz: discuss the chair of the Board of Economic Advisors (Public Board)

by Cornpop Sutton ⌂, A bad bad dude who makes good shine., Thursday, May 09, 2024, 00:11 (11 days ago)
edited by Cornpop Sutton, Thursday, May 09, 2024, 00:15

This individual whose title I cited was recently in the non-mainstream news.

This Board is the group that directly advises the White House on national economic policy and direction. They are by definition the brain trust of the US economy.

Don't Google it. This story broke on Twitter and then on many podcasts over the next few days.

I think it's one of the most important "shadow news" stories of the year. It fucking amazed me and it explains everything we see going on now from the national debt to the inflation rate.


News quiz: discuss the chair of the Board of Economic Advisors

by ,ndo, No refunds or exchanges! Fullstop!, Thursday, May 09, 2024, 03:42 (11 days ago) @ Cornpop Sutton

Economics has been subverted since the 1860s with the introduction of what became known as neoclassical economics (where "neo" is more usefully translated as "not" rather than "new") by Jevons and co. Even though classical economics (called "political economy" by Smith, Ricardo etc) does have some flaws, neoclassical and later schools get things so egregiously wrong that you are forced to ask whether it was deliberate. Modern so-called economists will tell you that land is not a factor of production. That's how wrong they are. The whole thing is bullshit from beginning to end.

The reason Bernstein is confused about what money is is that he is a bullshit not-economist. Money is not complicated. It's a go-between so that people do not need to barter. "Money" as a concept lets them value cows, pigs, chickens, wheat, barley, wine, beer, timber, pottery, copperware, silver jewelry, gold nuggets, etc etc in "dollars" (say) and convert chickens to dollars to beer instead of arguing over how many chickens is a pig worth and all the infinite number of other conversions. [1] It's divisible into smaller amounts, it's easy to carry around, its value is accepted by everyone. Not difficult unless you are a not-economist, in which case you obfuscate the shit out of it.

Which is not say that fiat money doesn't have some problems of its own but that is a problem of implementation, not a problem of "money" as a concept.

[1] A programmer would recognise this as translation between computer languages or file formats or whatever, where you invent an intermediate language/format and write N translators from the thing to the intermediate and back rather than N times N translators from every thing to every other thing.


Good analysis

by Cornpop Sutton ⌂, A bad bad dude who makes good shine., Thursday, May 09, 2024, 15:40 (10 days ago) @ ,ndo

As far as Bernstein's role, to summarize:

He will be a pushover which the Marxists and communists running our White House want. He's similar in role to Xi Xiaoping's inner ruling circle members.

He does not have fundamental knowledge of any kind of economics or monetary policy. He knows less than what would be in a basic Wikipedia article on the topic.

He probably does not "really" understand statements like "time value of money" or how interest rates modulate inflation.

He is in his role because of money, donations, and social connections.


He will treat his policy making role as social, not as functional.
He will want to make everyone in his presence happy.
So because he has no principles he will cave on anything.
Not really "cave" because he doesn't understand anyway.
He will sign off and rubber stamp anything presented to him.
He will happily destroy the economy, because he is a nice guy and a pleaser.

News quiz: discuss the chair of the Board of Economic Advisors

by JoFrance, Thursday, May 09, 2024, 18:52 (10 days ago) @ Cornpop Sutton

I saw the interview with Jared Bernstein recently and was shocked that he was deemed qualified to be the Chair of the Board of Economic Advisors. He isn't qualified and his answers show that. He was an aspiring musician and has a degree in social work? WTF. The Dems in the Senate voted him in.

No wonder the economy sucks. Listen to this bumbling idiot.



Jared B is a God Damned Fucking Lying asshole - Neil Cavuto interview

by Cornpop Sutton ⌂, A bad bad dude who makes good shine., Thursday, May 16, 2024, 20:18 (3 days ago) @ Cornpop Sutton
edited by Cornpop Sutton, Thursday, May 16, 2024, 20:30


Neil Cavuto nails this idiot asshole's balls to the wall. But Bernstein is oblivious. He is too intellectually dishonest and of low character to even understand that he's lying.

God Damn these people.

Jared B is a God Damned Fucking Lying asshole - Neil Cavuto interview

by JoFrance, Friday, May 17, 2024, 18:27 (2 days ago) @ Cornpop Sutton

He goes well with Janet Yellen, Secretary of the Treasury. Supposedly she is an economist too. The entire Biden admin is filled with incompetent liars and we're all paying a heavy price for it. Everyday I wake up and wonder when it will all come crashing down.


Look at the scorecard on Jared Bernstein

by Cornpop Sutton ⌂, A bad bad dude who makes good shine., Friday, May 17, 2024, 18:48 (2 days ago) @ JoFrance

- He came into public view as a leading economic advisor who doesn't understand how the Fed operates and he pretty much views it as magic.

- He clearly knows nothing in detail about this domain (economics, debt, money creation)

- He's being asked to defend statements on the economy made by the administration. With an established public pattern of not understanding any of it in depth.

The Neil Cavuto interview may have been a hit to emphasize how bad our economics brains are. It was basically a farce.

I disagree with Cavuton on one thing he said. He said he didn't want to besmirch Bernstein.

Besmirch away, I say. The guy is a garbage person flakking for total corruption.

Look at the scorecard on Jared Bernstein

by JoFrance, Friday, May 17, 2024, 19:53 (2 days ago) @ Cornpop Sutton

I disagree with Caputo too. We need to call these people out more for the ignorant buffoons they are.

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