Scott Adams take on House Speaker Mike Johnson (Public Board)

by JoFrance, Friday, April 26, 2024, 19:47 (12 days ago) @ Cornpop Sutton

Originally I thought Johnson stood firm on the Republican agenda and then he caved. Its what Republicans do best, but I thought he wouldn't. One reason why is that he was one of the attorneys that got Trump acquitted in one of his impeachment trials. He is a constitutional lawyer.

Johnson is a pious Christian. Born again or not his life is somewhat weird in that he adopted a 14 year old black teenager that had a long criminal record. He said if he didn't the kid would probably have gone to jail. They wanted to save him supposedly. Now that kid is 40 years old and still a criminal. Its a very weird situation, IMO. They have other children too.

There is a lot online about Johnson's family but one thing I read is that his black adopted son isn't in any of the family photos.

If Johnson is being blackmailed its likely got to do with his black adopted son.

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