
Molly the magpie shows personal trainers a thing or two about leg raises (Public Board)

by ,ndo, No refunds or exchanges! Fullstop!, Thursday, April 04, 2024, 23:29 (25 days ago) @ JoFrance

Magpies are incredibly smart and personable. They remember your face and when they trust you they will allow you to do all sorts of things that you wouldn't dream of with other wild birds. I have had them walking on my lap. They have amazingly soft feet. And they are magnificent song birds. When the boys are reaching adulthood you hear them developing and practising their repertoires. That's why Molly learned to bark. Which was amazing but not surprising. You haven't lived until you've seen them trot from one place to another. That never grows old.

They have a bad rap for swooping but that is only during nesting season when you get too close.

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