"Soyence" (Public Board)

by JoFrance, Saturday, April 27, 2024, 18:38 (14 days ago) @ Cornpop Sutton

I never even knew that was a word, but it definitely should be the word of the year. I want to add a group to your "chief proponents of soyence". Democrats. All of them. Their climate change crap, the gender insanity, men can be women, etc. is such idiocy. I can't believe they even believe it.

The news hosts on those stations are the biggest purveyors of soyence whether they believe it to be true or not. They have a daily audience and are very influential, but I'll never understand how they can look at themselves in the mirror every day. I couldn't after knowing what I'm spreading is soyence.

We live in a dystopian society now because of soyence from the POS's you mentioned and many others, especially our government and Biden, King of Soyence.

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