Trump is so smart (Public Board)

by JoFrance, Wednesday, April 17, 2024, 20:02 (13 days ago) @ FSK

Its totally outrageous that Alba was ever charged to begin with and thrown in jail. He was clearly defending himself. Until Trump went there, I never realized how bad the crime was for the people in Harlem. Those bodegas are robbed several times every week. How can they put up with that?

They really appreciated Trump's visit so this happened. All these people really want is safety and security, but the Democrat power structure is pro-criminal. Its so absurd.

I forgot about Daniel Penny. I think he was indicted for manslaughter and goes to trial in the fall. He is a hero in my book but he will be dragged through the NYC kangaroo courts instead of being given an award for protecting the people on the subway from a lunatic.

Trump is going to be in NYC for awhile, so maybe he will mention him. It looks like he's planning to campaign in NYC in a grassroots way while he's stuck there. Not a bad strategy. He's exposing how bad things are for average New Yorkers because the justice system is corrupt.

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