90% of U.S. Cheese Contains GMO Made by Pfizer (Public Board)

by JoFrance, Monday, April 08, 2024, 20:30 (21 days ago)

"Rennet is used as a clotting agent to curdle the milk into cheese, separating the liquid parts of milk from the solids. Pfizer makes a genetically modified rennet, but because of a labeling loophole, cheese containing Pfizer's rennet does not have to be labeled as containing a genetically modified organism.

Today, there are four types of rennet used in the cheese-making industry: animal rennet, vegetable rennet, microbial rennet and a genetically modified version called FPC (fermentation-produced chymosin), made by Pfizer."


No wonder the pizza where I live tastes like crap. They use the Pfizer rennet cheese and you can't digest it.

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